Sunday 7 March 2010

The Study of the Entreprenuer in You!

It is no secret that there is every resource available to ensure your success in any venture you choose to embark upon, there is not one successful person who did not spend time studying any and all materials that gave them the know how to develop and implement a successful business. I've written about "the Successful Mindset" and obtaining that Mindset is a journey you must take, unfortunately we don't all have the pleasure of having a like Warren Buffett or R. Buckminster Fuller to mentor us through the process of developing that Mind, but we all have access to the information and resources to take you exactly where you need to be.

Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki introduced the Y generation to the joys of "Passive Income", Napoleon Hill taught our parents "Think and Grow Rich", and Stephen Covey revealed "Seven Habits of Highly Effective People", even with these and other writings available, you must first "know thyself". Know and recognize your strengths and weakness in learning: leadership, knowledge, implementation, self-motivation, consistency and other critical areas of development. In other words there are many roads to success, there are no shortcuts. Study is one of your keys that unlock the doors to the goals you have in Mind for yourself. I'll be providing your with some of the many titles, ebooks, webinars, links and sampling like the few sited above with a analysis of how the information benefited many like yourself through self study.

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